

(Comment) Not a flying start after all? (with Otto Sevaldson Lillebø, Simen Markussen, and Knut Røed), accepted by Journal of Political Economy

Job displacement and the mental health of households: Burden sharing counteracts spillover, Labour Economics, 2023, vol. 81, 102340.
[Open access, Code]

Spousal bereavement and the cognitive health of older adults in the US: New insights on channels, single items, and subjective evidence (with Brett Inder and Jun Sung Kim), Economics & Human Biology2021, vol. 43, 101055.
[Open access, Code]

Working Papers

A firm link: Overall, between- and within-firm inequality through the lens of a sorting model (with Paweł Gola) [PDF]

School starting age and the social gradient in educational outcomes (with Simen Markussen and Knut Røed) [IZA-DP]

Work in Progress

Patient choice and socioeconomic disparities in the quality of healthcare: Evidence from Swedish registry data (with Lina Maria Ellegård, Gustav Kjellsson and Roxanne J. Kovacs)